About me,

I'm Cátia Castro, clinical psychologist. Psychology for me is something of the past, present and future, a passion for human potential, for what can be created and developed.
In psychology, I consider the fundamental relationship, through empathic listening, support, where something new expands and develops. By giving a name to what one feels, attributing sense and meaning, through an articulated understanding of two, my objective is to help the person to rethink himself, re-elaborating himself, in what is closest to what he can be, trying to manage difficulties with a view to their well-being and the quality of their relationships.
I like to learn and therefore I try to constantly update my knowledge of psychology and relational psychoanalysis, through continuous training in training courses, congresses and lectures, as well as supervision and, through readings.
I confess that I love books, I can't resist going to a bookstore and that I increase the number of them on my shelves, not only psychology and science, but also philosophy, literature, poetry, fiction, among other areas.
I developed my professional path in the field of clinical psychology, andI specialized in the area of legal/forensic psychology, having provided technical assistance to the courts, in the civil, criminal and educational tutelary areas.
In Private Practice I have been doing psychology consultations, psychological assessment and psychotherapy with children, adolescents and adults.
Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is the theoretical cornerstone of my clinical practice.
Currently, as part of my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, I am doing research in the area of cyberpsychology, more precisely in the theme of the use of videogames - risks and benefits.

Ao longo dos anos, tive o privilégio de poder participar em diversos congressos, conferências, podcasts e programas, sempre com o intuito de partilhar e expandir conhecimentos e experiências.
Estas oportunidades têm sido essenciais para o meu desenvolvimento contínuo, bem como para a construção de uma prática clínica cada vez mais sólida e informada em evidência científica.
Agradeço a todos os colegas e instituições que têm contribuíram para esta jornada enriquecedora.
Continuemos juntos a explorar e a avançar no conhecimento da psicologia e da investigação, ao serviço das pessoas e das instituições.
Obrigada por assistir.

Effective Member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists
Member of the Portuguese Society of Psychology
Member of PsiRelacional - Association of Relational Psychoanalysis
Member of IARPP - The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Member of the APA - American Psychology Association
Member of the ISSBA - International Society for the Study of Behavioral Addictions
Doctoral student of the Course ofPhD in Clinical Psychology at ISPA IU- research theme centered on the use of video games (benefits and risks) and their online and offline relational/interpersonal dynamics as well as social networks associated with gaming, in the construction of psychological profiles of video game players.
APPsyCI Research Unit - Applied Psychology Research Center Capabilities & Inclusion:https://appsyci.ispa.pt/catia-castro/
Pre-Bologna degree (2000-2005) inClinical psychology - ISPA UI (Higher Institute of Applied Psychology - University Institute).
Postgraduate Studies of the curricular part of theMaster in Legal Psychology at ISPA-IU (2006-2009), pre-bologna, in partnership withUniversity of Rennes 2 - France (Prof. Doctor Loick M. Villerbu; Jean-Luc Viaux; Jacques-Philippe Leyens, Astrid Ambrosi, Claude Bouchard) andNew University of Lisbon (Prof. Doctor Ana Prata); invited professors: Prof. Doutor João Fatela (ESTS/Paris); Prof Doctor Jorge Costa Santos (FMUL, INML-Lisbon)
Master's Degree in Forensic Psychological Assessment, ISPA UI
Master's Degree in Psychological Assessment, ISPA UI
postgraduate specialization inRelational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy ongoing, PsiRelational.